
Rachel D'Ercole

Articling Student
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Rachel recently completed her second year of law school at Osgoode Hall Law School.

Prior to starting law school, Rachel earned an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour with distinction from McMaster University. Her senior independent research paper examined the psychological, developmental, and behavioural effects of transracial adoption.

During law school, Rachel has taken on different roles focused on community uplift and support. She volunteered with Osgoode’s Peer Support Centre as a 1L student and was elected as an Osgoode Mental Health Committee Member in her second year. As an avid animal lover, she has also thoroughly enjoyed being the 2L representative for the Osgoode Hall Chapter of Animal Justice Canada.

In her free time, Rachel enjoys long-distance running, baking for her family and friends, and educating herself on the local community’s flora and fauna.

Education & Memberships


McMaster University, B.A.

Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour